Cycling for Frederik

Cycling for Frederik
van totaal € 100.000 (100%)



Wouter en Sina zijn op 11 mei ouders geworden van hun prachtige zoon Frederik. Tot hun grote verdriet is Frederik kort voor de geboorte overleden door nog onbekende oorzaak. Dit was natuurlijk een onvoorstelbare klap en totaal onverwacht.

Om Frederik te gedenken, gaan Wouter en Sina op reis: 10.000 kilometer door Europa. Wouter op de fiets en Sina met het busje erachter aan. Ze doen dit ten eerste voor Frederik en ten tweede om geld op te halen voor het CEPRA onderzoek. Dit project onderzoekt de verminderde functie van de placenta aan het eind van de zwangerschap, dat misschien veroorzaakt dat een baby sterft in de baarmoeder. Hier is de link naar het CEPRA onderzoek:

Natuurlijk is er veel geld nodig. We zouden jullie dan ook willen vragen om ons project financieel te steunen door middel van de link op deze pagina. Iedere euro die we ophalen gaat naar het CEPRA onderzoek.


Heel veel dank!
Sina en Wouter



Wouter and Sina became the proud parents of beautiful baby boy Frederik on 11 May 2020. Sadly, Frederik had passed away just before his birth. Of course, this was a huge blow and totally unexpected.

To commemorate and remember Frederik, Wouter and Sina are going to travel 10,000 kilometers through Europe: Wouter on his bike and Sina following in their van. They are doing this primarily for Frederik but also to collect money for the CEPRA research project. This project investigates the decreased functionality of the placenta in late pregnancy which may cause stillborn babies. Here is the link for the CEPRA investigation:

A lot of money is needed to fund this research. You can help us by using the link to make a donation. Every euro raised goes towards the CEPRA project.


Many, many thanks!
Sina and Wouter





Am 11. Mai sind Wouter und Sina Eltern von Frederik, ihrem wunderschönen Sohn, geworden. Frederik ist leider kurz vor der Geburt gestorben. Die Ursache dafür ist nicht bekannt. Es ist das Schlimmste, was geschehen konnte. Als zukünftigen Eltern rechnet man nicht damit, dass das passieren kann.

In Gedenken an Frederik haben Wouter und Sina beschlossen, eine Reise zu machen: 10000 Kilometer durch Europa, Wouter auf dem Fahrrad, Sina im VW Bus hinterher. In erster Linie wollen sie diese Reise Frederik widmen. Und sie wollen Geld für das CEPRA-Forschungsprojekt sammeln. Dieses Projekt untersucht die verminderte Plazentafunktion am Ende der Schwangerschaft, die dazu führen kann, dass ein Baby im Mutterleib verstirbt. Hier der Link für CEPRA:

Natürlich wird viel Geld für die Studie benötigt. Wir möchten euch daher bitten, das Projekt über den Link auf dieser Seite finanziell zu unterstützen. Jeder gespendete Euro geht an das CEPRA Projekt.

 Vielen Dank!

Wouter und Sina


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The Closing Message

21-11-2020 | 14:16  First of all, we want to thank everyone who has shown kindness to us over the last months. Before going on the journey, we did not know how things would turn out, only afterwards would we know this. It certainly was not easy always but then again, it also would not have been easy when we had stayed at home. In the end it felt good for us to take the time, while the world around us would always keep on turning. To start coming to terms with the fact that we will be without Frederik for the rest of our lives. While talking about what had happened with people we met, they shared tragedies related to children they had experienced in their own lives. We realized how many people had been through these devastating events, even though this is not always visible in society. The most challenging parts of cycling were the beginning and the north of Spain. After exiting Spain, I realized that everything else would not be a problem anymore. Now that we are back, I see how enormous our journey has been that we have done together. The traffic was safe everywhere, with 2 notable exceptions of passes too close for comfort. The journey would not have been possible without all the efforts of Sina, who organized everything so that I could focus on the cycling. We also want to thank everyone involved in the CEPRA research, who are working hard on turning our dream of a better future into a reality. We had many donations for the cause, people around us were struck by what happened and wanted to contribute to a solution. A quote I had to think about a couple times during the journey: "If you are going through Hell, keep going." - C.   All the best to all, Sina, Wouter & Bismarck
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